Safeguarding Resources
AsiaCMS in partnership with Asia Pacific Baptist Aid has developed resources for individuals working with children and vulnerable persons on ‘Creating Safe Spaces’. The resource is a series of flash cards in a simple story format that highlights the importance of creating a safe space for children for their development, learning and safety. The resource can be used as a tool to train those who work with children and vulnerable persons on minimum standards for safe spaces. The tool consists of an additional resource on teaching children and vulnerable persons on protecting themselves from any sort of abuse.
The description below provides an overview of the resource material:
The tool contains a series of flash cards with graphical illustrations. The story/lesson printed is printed at back of each card which can be read directly to participants.
- A story from Baru Village: This is an introductory story to the next few lessons. The story is in simple form which emphasizes the importance of ensuring children have a happy and safe childhood.

- Child Friendly space: The narration draws lessons from the story from Baru and provides insights on how to create a child friendly space.

- Learning space for children: The tool contains insights into creating a conducive learning space for children.

- Safeguarding children: The lesson is based on types of abuse that affect children and vulnerable persons and how institutions can safeguard children from such.

- Kai and Diya’s new lesson: Kai and Diya’s new lesson is a story which is an addendum to the series of flash cards. The story is a simple tool to teach children/vulnerable people how to safeguard themselves from unsafe touch.

- Code of ethics: The code of ethics serves as a guide to those who work with children and vulnerable people. It provides best practices to safeguard children in the form of appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.
The resources are available in English and Malay. If you require further details, please direct your queries to