04 Dec APPLY NOW for the 2019 Missional Leadership Residential Programme
The Asia Gateway 2019 Missional Leadership Residential Programme is now accepting applications!
The Missional Leadership Residential Programme, held at the Seminari Theologi Malaysia in Seremban, is an advanced course designed to equip leaders and potential trainers in preparing new workers for ministry among Asian cultures – with a particular focus on engaging with Asian religions and worldviews.
This programme is also suitable for church and mission leaders who have not done formal cross-cultural training, especially in Asian contexts, or taken as an in-service training; it is also ideal as a refresher course for workers on home leave. All courses are taught by experienced lecturers, both East and West.
This residential programme combines high-quality coursework with practical field trips, set alongside personal reflection and mentoring. Only a few such courses are based in Asia. They provide opportunities for spiritual development through personal mentoring and intercultural community living.
The 2019 Missional Leadership Residential Programme will consist:
- Lectures
- Group discussions/reflection/feedback
- Case studies
- Research and assignments
- Community Living
- Personal mentoring and spiritual development
- Practical learning trips
Programme Fee: RM 3,500 for 4 weeks of classes
Asia Gateway Training is an intensive programme that lays down a firm foundation in intercultural learning for missions, combining practical experience with theological reflection. During a one month long residential training programme, you will come together with students and missions workers from all over the world for a time of classroom learning and practical outings. You will also learn the five marks of mission and be equipped to further increase the effectiveness and impact of your mission. Asia Gateway Training is uniquely endorsed and sponsored by 2 Malaysian churches (Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia and Methodist Church of Malaysia), Malaysia Theological Seminary (STM), and 5 mission agencies: AsiaCMS, InterServe, OM, OMF, and SIM East Asia.
For more information: