10 Apr A Fresh Move of God through the Birth of New Churches
2023 marked the beginning of a new desire God placed within John* and Sally* in South Asia. After gathering church recommendations and conducting interviews with over 40 pastors and church leader, they chose 17 to pioneer churches in eight districts as they launched a church planting ministry in January 2024, among the unreached people groups in the remote parts of the nation. Besides training pastors and church leaders, they now train church planters in partnership with a Bible college for a Diploma program.
En route to launching the church-planting initiative, John and Sally met Gideon*, a local church pastor who has been serving his church with his family for almost a decade. Gideon was preparing to go abroad as a migrant worker due to financial constraints when another pastor connected him with John and Sally. Sensing Gideon’s passion for God, they took him on as a church planter. Gideon is excitedly preparing to serve with an unreached people group who reside near riverbanks and streams and make a living by fishing and farming.
Pray for a suitable staff to join the team as the Admin and Finance officer.
Pray for John and Sally’s PhD students to be able to submit their dissertation proposals on time and for the church planters who begun their first Diploma course in January 2024.
Pray for Gideon, his family, his church, and the community where he plans to plant a church this year.
Pray for John and Sally as they target to plant 50 churches among the unreached people groups within two years. They also want to help poor and marginalised communities by running livelihood or vocational training for widows and single mothers to become financially self-sustainable.
*names changed to protect privacy