AsiaCMS proudly presents a new book on: Rethinking Mission in Asia during COVID-19 and Beyond

AsiaCMS proudly presents a new book on: Rethinking Mission in Asia during COVID-19 and Beyond

AsiaCMS is delighted to present a new publication by Shiluinla Jamir, a Christian ethicist and a feminist theologian from India. This book, entitled: Embracing God’s Beloved Community – Rethinking Mission in Asia during COVID-19 and Beyond, is available now as a FREE DOWNLOAD.

In the face of the precariousness of life rendered by the pandemic, Shiluinla Jamir’s Embracing God’s Beloved Community: Rethinking Mission in Asia during COVID-19 and Beyond needfully proposes mission as an “everyday virtuous activity”.

It is rich with “testimonials” (stories and testimonies) that the indigenous communities and the so-called “unlettered races” in Asia use to give meaning to life and to
relate with each other.

When these stories and testimonies are analysed through the lenses of decolonial thinking, they give voice to the local communities – the world as seen through their eyes, and in how they process and communicate their thoughts.

Decolonial thinking in mission also overcomes the tendency to make undue generalisations. Instead, it gives value to the multiple voices and many effective practices in the engagement of God’s mission.