12 May Covid-19 Assistance for India, Nepal and Affected Countries
Dear prayer partner and friend,
By now you already know and are likely to be praying for the people’s suffering because of the current Covid-19 tragedy in India. Covid-19 has overwhelmed their hospitals and healthcare systems. Thousands, probably millions have lost loved ones. This tragic situation has already spilled over into Nepal. Other countries in the region are also going through a spike in infections.
This is part of a response from a denominational leader when I messaged him to enquire:
“…the situation is literally out of control. Healthcare services are breaking down. Long queues of ambulances and other vehicles in front of hospitals, but no beds. Also, no oxygen and no ventilators. Morgues are full of dead bodies – just wrapped in plastic and dumped… News of death of pastors that I knew and worked with are coming every single day. Last week itself we lost three of our graduates – two of them in their early 40s and having small children – within a span of six days. It’s emotionally so draining. Trying to put up a brave face in front of others and encouraging them…”
Many more mission workers, pastors, Christian leaders are in similarly dire situations. Some will be burdened with medical bills. If the sole breadwinner in the family dies, the challenges and anguish are multiplied.
To enable you to help, we propose three ways:
This will ease the financial burdens of mission families who get infected – our mission partners, mission workers, and pastors.
If you wish to give to this need, below are banking details:
HSBC Bank Acc: 359 418407 101
Name: AsiaCMS Berhad
Branch: Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Reference: C-19 South Asia
Please email Bank transfer/deposit confirmation to: finance.manager@asiacms.net
If you reside in Malaysia, you can also donate via your Touch n Go app by scanning the QR Code below:
We are not forgetting the many poor communities impacted by the spike in different places. Our mission partners are serving these communities – whether in the form of basic necessities or through projects that will empower them. If you should wish to contribute to this need, you can deposit into the same bank account number stated in 1 above, but (please) state the reference as “Covid19 Relief”. This will ensure that we will rightly designate your giving.
If you would like to connect and give directly, our team are working with reliable partners in the region to identify and verify individual pastors, mission workers, and their families who need help. This will cut across denominational lines. Our team will connect them with you, and you can remit your support directly to them.
If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to email or contact any of us:
Communications Manager: Suzane Christie comm.manager@asiacms.net
South Asia Hub-leader: Stephen Edison comp.manager@asiacms.net
South Asia Program: Rhena Clouston programs.southasiahub@asiacms.net
Warm Regards,
Rev. Chan Nam Chen (PhD)
Executive Director