Go and make disciples of all nations

Go and make disciples of all nations


Where He leads, we go. This seems to be the mantra of a young couple whose family backgrounds were as diverse as you could get. But by the grace of Jesus Christ, they are now one. And happily serving the Lord together.

Meet Kumar and Kats Aryal, the latest co-mission partners of AsiaCMS. Kumar was born and brought up in Nepal in a Hindu religious background. In 1992, his father met a Christian family during one of his work-related appointments. That family shared the Gospel with his father, and it was the first time his father heard about the name of Jesus. After hearing about Jesus Christ and listening to their testimony, his father accepted Jesus right then and there.

Kumar heard about Jesus from his father when he was nine years old. He started going to church and later accepted Christ as his personal Lord and saviour at the age of 12.

He attended Campus Crusade’s one-month New Life Training in 2001, which God used for his spiritual growth and preparation for God’s work. Later that year, he sensed God’s calling for him to serve God so he went to Nepal Ebenezer Bible College to be equipped for ministry.

Upon his graduation in 2004, he went to Malaysia as a missionary. His ministry in Malaysia gave him a clear confirmation of God’s calling for him to be in cross-cultural ministry. After his ministry in Malaysia he went back to Nepal and did youth ministry and pastoral training. In 2009, he went to International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL) to further equip himself. In 2012, after his three-year Master of Divinity (M.Div) programme, he joined IGSL as a resident faculty.

Kats was born and raised in the Philippines as a Catholic but she became a born-again when attending one of the chapel services in high school. Since then she has been very passionate about sharing the Gospel. As a result, her parents have also become born-again Christians.

Kats now understands what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ, and always prays for the lost and disciples some of those she brought to faith in Christ. It is not uncommon for her to share the Gospel with taxi drivers and street kids.

In 2006, she entered IGSL to deepen her understanding of God and be trained for His work. In 2009, after her three-year M.Div programme, she joined IGSL as an adjunct faculty while she continued serving at the Christian Agape Fellowship.

Read also: Kumar & Kats Aryal – Mission Partner Profile