Moulding young Christians

Moulding young Christians

Young Christians_Inside

It’s touching to see young people pouring their hearts out to God. This was what our co-mission partners Kumar and Kathryn Aryal experienced when conducting a youth camp in Balay Indang, Cavite, the Philippines, from March 23-26. They were one of the five couple counsellors who spent time with the youth, listening and ministering to them through prayer and words of encouragement.

The topic for the camp was #NotAFan based on the movie by Kyle Idleman. The movie and discussion took place in a small group setting, which provided more time and intimate conversation among the participants.

Kumar and Kathryn were able to know the difficulties and struggles the youth were going through and were able to encourage them. They were able to also support the youth leaders who took charge in facilitating their own groups. It was great seeing them step up and take ownership of the ministry.

Please pray for all these young people — young believers and leaders alike — that despite challenges and trials, they will continue to experience God’s grace and be completely committed followers of Christ!