10 Jul Peace & Reconciliation Training – Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Stephen Edison our regional co-ordinator is a trustee of a new organisation called Peacemakers which is involved in conflict resolution and post conflict community development. Peacemakers will be running a course at St John’s College, Jaffna to train teachers and staff on peace and reconciliation. St John’s College is one of the oldest private educational institutions in Sri Lanka, founded by the CMS Missionaries in 1823. Jaffna has experienced years of conflict under civil war and there is much work still to be done in rebuilding the communities after years of suffering. Stephen who will help facilitate the course is passionate about the need for Christian leadership in peace making.
The course will run from the 10th to 15th of August focusing on;
- Encouraging participant reflection and help participants to self -realize the need for a culture of Peace
- Enabling a basic contextual understanding of conflict transformation
- Use of group work and case studies to teach simple techniques that can then be used to help students when school term starts in September
- Discuss follow up and ongoing support