16 Mar Reaching the Unreached
Paul (not his real name), is a young orphan from a small village in Southeast Asia. He was born into a non-Christian family and through various hardship was forced to live apart from his older siblings. Paul came to know Jesus through the various outreach programs and community efforts conducted by the ministry of our Co-Mission Partner in that region.
Paul recently had the opportunity to visit his sister and brother during the Christmas holiday. Whilst it was a joyous time overall, Paul was particularly saddened to see that his sister had just divorced, and was living under a tent. He was devastated to see how poor and lonely the lives of his siblings were – despite the fact that he himself was an orphan who did not have much.
From his point of view, their lives seemed lonelier because they did not have Jesus and he felt a sudden stirring to pray for his siblings to know Jesus. He prayed that God would use him to bring the rest of his family to Jesus so they would be as blessed as he felt in his life.
Paul is one of the few young orphans who are discipled by one of our newer Co-Mission Partner whose ministry focuses on reaching out to a majority-people group in the area with the Gospel. They hold small bible studies, recreation programs for young people and other activities that reach out in love to the community they serve in. Many non-believers, especially young people join in their programs and fellowship over meals in their gatherings.
Paul is one of those young people who has flourished through this outreach ministry and community efforts; he has become one of the top students in his school, even though he had no schoolbooks during his last semester. Paul has high hopes to become a doctor so he can bless his community someday.
Our Co-Mission partner and his team also do regular house visitation, especially to poor families, blessing them with food, medication and provisions, while also encouraging them through prayers. They would value your support in any way, especially regular prayers.
Please Pray:
- That our Co-Mission partner continues to plant more house churches and reach out to other children and young people within this community, just like Paul to bring about a real change through the Gospel;
- Pray for provisions so that this ministry thrives and is able to be a blessing to their community.