17 Jan The Growth of the Church Beyond the Four Walls
On fire for God, Caleb* passionately trains leaders among an unreached people group in South Asia. Praise God for His power as Caleb has managed to break ground in bringing people from one most gospel-resistant groups to faith, after working among them for 20 years. Because of his passion for the kingdom of God, Caleb risks his life to lead Bible studies with the local believers online and via phone calls. He disciples new believers and establishes house churches in various areas which strictly do not allow Christian activities or prayers. Aside from training the leaders from these house churches, Caleb’s ministry has begun a mental health program to help believers build not just their spiritual life, but also a crucial aspect of their overall wellbeing.
There has been a remarkable growth of the “Marketplace ” church. Caleb attended a training program several years ago which transformed his perspective on the concept of church and opened his eyes to the idea of church outside the traditional structure. Henceforth, he began venturing out to meet seekers and families needing prayer which led him to make connections with the locals. He found himself discussing the Bible through storytelling. The believers he discipled are profoundly impacting their connections; they are effectively sharing Christ with them while maintaining a low profile. God’s ways are higher than us, and He equips the saints with creativity and boldness to reach the lost.
Pray for wisdom and protection for the believers as they reach out to their relatives and friends and as they meet in the marketplace.
Pray for the protection of the leaders and their families in the village.
Pray for Dilmah*, a seeker suffering from damage to a vital organ.
* names changed to protect privacy