03 Apr Theme-Powered Education to Instil Kingdom Values
Peter and Vasantha are two beautiful souls who instil Kingdom values in kids through thought-provoking films and videos focused on Biblical principles. Peter directs and produces such media for educational institutions and NGOs.
In the last quarter, Peter and Vasantha visited 17 schools and interviewed 13 school principals and owners. The experience was an eye-opener to the ongoing challenges faced by schools in the educational system, especially private schools. God made it possible for them to witness the realities in the schools to gather information that facilitates innovative ideas to enhance their platform for imparting kingdom values.
However, they struggle with resources. To preserve their family time, they hire help on a project basis for income-generating projects that are time-consuming. Vasantha continues to train college professionals and conduct individual counselling sessions and life seminars. Besides heading a team of counsellors for India’s first pregnancy helpline, she was recently recruited by a multinational company as their Counselling Consultant. Praise God for this awesome opportunity!
Pray for Peter and Vasantha’s children, ages one and four, to grow in the favour of God.
Pray for Peter and Vasantha as they plan to reach out to 100 schools to use their platform in the upcoming academic year with a target that at least 25 will do so.
Pray for them as they work with professionals to produce 14 to 21 new episodes on the various issues affecting children.
Pray for the expansion of their team.