17 Feb Training Creates an Unstoppable Chain Reaction in the Expansion of the Kingdom
Poline equips church leaders and mission workers and is currently training 19 senior trainers, across 11 local, regional training centres in Cambodia. In the last quarter, the senior trainers and core team conducted 17 three-day training sessions on topics from the institute’s curriculum comprising prayer, worship, ethics, leadership, and more.
The highlight of the quarter was a conference held in four different venues. Attended by 140 pastors and church leaders, it primarily focused on boosting efforts to share God’s love and plant more churches.
Poline shares about David*, a senior trainer whose compassion runs deep for the tribal people. Coming from a minority ethnic group, David has been working among them for years in literacy programs and Bible translation projects. He envisions every tribe coming to know the Saviour while preserving their heritage. At present, he runs a training program in his district with second-generation church leaders. As a test, David invites alumni to share a topic in each training session. They are not merely excellent teachers, but they apply God’s word to their own lives besides actively serving in their respective churches. Praise God for He works in glorious ways!
With at least 10 training sessions planned, Poline intends to visit each senior trainer and training centre for encouragement and strategic planning in the first quarter of 2024. He also looks forward to attending a gathering in Kenya for church-planting trainers and practitioners
Pray for David as he plans to bring the gospel to a village that has never heard about Jesus.
Pray for all logistical issues to be resolved in the latest training centre in Banteay Meanchey, so training can begin immediately.
Pray for protection for the trainers who travel a distance to the centres during rainy seasons as many areas are flooded, making the roads unsafe for travelling.
Pray for more leaders to commit despite the challenges that continue to arise and for God to meet the needs of the trainers and leaders who mostly live on a very small stipend. Some have financial debts.
Pray for God to send in the right people as the trainers recruit new students and for each training session to be conducted with authority and anointing.
*names changed to protect privacy