06 Oct Transforming lives through culture of peace
One of our major efforts in India the past few months has been on the birthing of a new area of work for rehabilitation of women in conflict with the law. This is an initiative with much scope but currently we are looking at rehabilitation of women prisoners and their children.
Since this is a relatively new area of work, AsiaCMS co-mission partners Rabbi and Chitra Jakaran have spent much time in research and discussions with those in the field.
With much prayer and deliberation, we have developed a detailed proposal with vision, three-year plan and budget. We have been blessed with a team of three people who have already been working in this field to help us take it forward.
We have engaged with funders to raise support for this work, which is expected to be launched next year. This is an area of much spiritual battle and we need you to stand with us in prayer.
The people we are reaching out to are those whose lives have been torn by unresolved conflicts that turned violent. Transformation of these lives would be a great step toward establishing a culture of peace over a culture of violence.
Please pray for wisdom and strength for our team.