22 Nov God’s Infinite Grace
Peter and Vasantha have a heart to share kingdom values to school children in a systematic way – through films that are thought-provoking, contextual, and relevant to the times. They believe in the idea of rebuilding their nation with biblical values. Just two months ago, Vasantha’s father, Mr. Maruthy, passed away and she shares her personal testimony about the transformation of God’s grace in his life.
“He had been an abusive alcoholic from the time I was born. He used to beat my mom and I had countless disturbing, and humiliating experiences with him. After I became a Christian, it only became worst. Over the last few years, after finally making peace in my heart and forgiving him, I began to make efforts to share the Gospel with him. He always was dismissive.
When he fell ill and the doctors had given up hope, telling us he had only days to live, we took the opportunity to pray for him. We had to wait until one of my non-believing sisters, who was against us becoming Christians, was away for a brief period. Nevertheless, my father still didn’t respond positively.
On the night that we prayed, Peter mentioned that God is mindful of even the worst sinner, and surely God is at work in his life. Seeing that my father was constantly gasping for breath, we thought he would die the following day. Surprisingly enough, although he did not eat or drink water for the following 7 to 8 days, he still survived.
His oxygen levels returned to normal and subsequently when he was discharged, we took him to a home for elderly care to be looked after. My father lived on for 5 more days before he died peacefully. Later, when we went to collect the death certificate, the staff at the place, realizing that we were believers too, shared stories of how he would respond with flowing tears when they shared the Gospel to him.
Since this home was a Christian place, they would sing worship songs every morning and when they went to see him after that, they witnessed that my father would be moved to tears. He was very cooperative and responsive.
We also met one of the evangelists who used to visit my dad every evening for prayers, who also affirmed that he was very responsive, often with tears in his eyes. We are grateful to God to hear such a comforting testimony and humbled by how God, in His infinite grace, places His people in strategic places. Even though I had given up, God worked in mysterious ways.”
Please do pray for Peter and Vasantha as they navigate the grief of losing Vasantha’s dad. Pray also for the salvation of the rest of her family. Please also pray for Peter’s father, as he battles cancer and is in the last leg of treatment.