15 Apr New beginnings through His death and resurrection
Luke 24:13-35
That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them…
…beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
Reading the gospel narratives of the Passion Week, I identify with the roller-coaster of emotions and perspectives experienced by the disciples of Jesus. Why? Because there are numerous occasions in our earthly existence where we struggle to make sense of what is happening.
For the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, it was barely a week ago when there was such optimism, such celebration – their Messiah has come. Yet, in the span of a day, all hopes were crushed. The man they followed, the man in whom they pinned their hopes, he who mesmerized them with his teachings and astounded them with his miracles – his corpse was sealed in a tomb.
As they struggled to make sense of the turn of events, the resurrected Christ drew near to them. He explained and interpreted to them what happened, clearing their thoughts.
I am reminded, that there are some happenings that can only be understood when He explains them. The divine perspective is different from how we are inclined to see things.
The resurrection of Christ turned the tears of the disciples into joy. But more than that, it realigned their perspectives. They knew Christ in a new way. He subsequently appeared to them at crucial moments, explaining to them the principles of His Kingdom and their roles in ushering in His Kingdom. But it did not end there.
After Christ ascended to heaven, another climax followed for them. The Holy Spirit came upon them, empowering them to be His witnesses and to fulfill His call to His mission. But even then, they were not to know of how within their lifetimes, some of them will end up in the far-flung corners of the world, the testimony and life of Jesus reaching to peoples they never knew existed.
As we reflect and worship over this Easter weekend, I am reminded – our life of faith starts with the death and resurrection of Christ. The full panorama of His eternal purposes is yet to be experienced. Thus, may each of us be renewed by a fresh vision of His death and resurrection over this weekend. May we receive a new unction of the Holy Spirit to live out the fullness of His life.
Happy Easter!
Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen
Executive Director, AsiaCMS