Isaac and Dolly Jeyakumar

Isaac and Dolly Jeyakumar

Name : Issac and Dolly Jeyakumar

Sending Organizations : TAFTEE    / AsiaCMS

Family:  Gifty ( Daughter )

Location : New Delhi  (India  )

CoMP Since:  2010

Isaac and Dolly are based in New Delhi, India. Isaac serves as the regional coordinator ( North India ) for TAFTEE (The Association for Theological Education by Extension) . Dolly works closely with her husband and assists him in his area of work. TAFTEE’s ministry in India seeks to equip Christians, from lay members to leaders theologically though various courses and programs.

Christian presence in north Indian states is estimated to be around 1%. Compared to southern India which has a much longer Christian and Mission history, northern India also faces a comparatively greater challenge arising from communal unrest, poverty, illiteracy and economic and social flux.  It is in this context that Issac and Dolly feel that the need of the hour is to walk alongside new believers in the region to grow in the Word and discipleship.  Local leaders need to be developed so that they can reach their own people more effectively and to mature and grow in their own language and cultural context.

They work in partnership with various Mission agencies, Churches and other Institutions to equip   believers in the north Indian states of   Delhi, UP, M.P, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand.

Isaac and Dolly left their careers in government service in 1994 to answer their call to mission. They have worked extensively in Bihar till 2006 before returning to Bangalore in take up training assignments. They returned to North India as CMS Co Mission Partners in 2010.