04 Jun Lalthaa and Manghaki
Name : Mr H. Lalthatluanga ( Lalthaa ) and Mrs P. Lalnghakhleli ( Manghaki )
Sending Organizations : Synod Mission Board – Presbyterian Church of Mizoram ( SMB- PCM ) / AsiaCMS
Family: son ( Vanlalmuanpuia )
Location: Jaffna (Sri Lanka )
CoMP Since: 2008
Lalthaa and Manghaki serve with the St. John’s College, a CMS founded school located in the northernmost town of Sri Lanka called Jaffna. The country till 2009 had been embroiled in decade’s long violence and bloodshed. The northern parts, including Jaffna were the arena of this conflict. Though active violence has come to an end, the issues which led to this long period of violence remain along with the need for reconciliation.
Laltaa teaches science and mathematics and also couches sports. Manghaki serves as the school medical nurse. They are also involved in running a course called ‘Christian study Unit’ which seeks to provide Christian students with encouragement, resources and mentoring to be strengthened in faith.
The school draws students from both Tamil and Sinhalese community and has also taken in students from refugee camps. It is a challenge for them to be involved in nurturing and guiding young lives from two ethnic communities and reflecting Christ’s love. Once their son grows older, they wish to be involved with wider ministry of the school and church in the region.
Before coming to Sri Lanka in mid-2012, they had served for three years in a school in Kashmir, India as Co Mission Partners.