
Kumar_Baby_Web By Kumar & Kats Aryal The expected due date was Sept 21, but we rushed to the hospital on Sept 12 because Kats' water discharge started that morning. She was immediately admitted at the High Risk Pregnancy Unit at St Luke's Hospital at Quezon City at 10am.

Misree_Inside "I don't want the children of my community to work all day in fields. I want them to be educated." This is the mantra of Mizoram (not his real name), who opened a school in a community hall a few years back with an enrolment of 50 children. He belongs to a Hindu community in rural Pakistan where education had been lacking for many years.

[caption id="attachment_2416" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Milan_Mentor_Inside Milan (far right) with students [/caption] The Lord has been gracious to our co-mission partner Milan Kumar Magar, giving him the strength to travel 14 hours to the western region of Nepal to help local pastors in mentoring sessions. Since last year, he has mentored six pastors from Baptist, Evangelical, Pentecostal and Presbyterian denominations.

Raj Kumar_Inside Raj Kumar and Sita were among 70 couples and 30 singles my wife and I had the opportunity to serve through a family seminar held in May this year. Along with another couple, we had the privilege to facilitate some topics like role of husband and wife, communication in marriage, expectations in marriage, foundation of marriage and Bible studies on family life.

AsiaGateway_ACMS_Inside2 The Asia Gateway residential training for 2017 has been set for June 3 to 30. The intensive four-week programme will focus on training of trainers, and church and mission leaders. Students will benefit from the multicultural community living and learning from a multicultural team of mission specialists and mentors.