
We are delighted that Lendehl, our mission partner in the Philippines, will be ordained Priest in the Episcopal Church on 5th...

indian-joint-family   Rabbi and Chitra, Mission Partners in India have just completed their first quarter of our formal engagement with ACMS and are thankful to the Lord for this partnership. The Lord has given us the vision and has been opening doors for ministering peace and reconciliation both in the body of Christ and in the larger society in India. We completed another 45-hour module, ‘Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies’ at Christ University and a 40-hour module ‘Marriage and Family Therapy’ at Global School of Counselling. Praise God for this privilege to impact undergraduate and post graduate students and challenge them on dealing with conflicts in family, neighbourhood and community at large. Students are enthusiastic and responsive in the class – they are appreciative of participatory methods of teaching involving group activities, discussions and project presentations. Sessions on forgiveness and reconciliation were the most challenging for them as most of them believe that they are unreal and impossible. We believe the seeds sown will bear fruit in season.