
Milan_Will_Inside The world at large subscribes to the notion that if there’s a will, there’s a way. However, in the Christian walk, we believe that if we are willing, God will find a way. Take the case of our co-mission partner Milan Magar. He had the privilege to teach “Christian Leadership” at a pastoral and leadership training centre in far Western Nepal.

[caption id="attachment_2106" align="aligncenter" width="260"]PN_Sarswati Sarswati (3rd from left)[/caption] If we are obedient and continue to trust in Him, God is faithful. Our co-mission partner Manoj Kumar Pradhananga and his wife Anjila can testify to this as they go about their family ministry work in Nepal. Through their involvement in earthquake relief efforts undertaken by the Leadership Training Department-NCF Nepal (LTD) they witnessed how a widow had been blessed after being struck by a double tragedy.

PN_Jim Paul Our co-mission partner Rev Jim Paul has seen the hand of God at work countless times in his ministry work. But the last four months of 2015 were particularly challenging and inspiring as he went about his regular activities of conducting Bible studies for students, visiting patients and counselling terminally ill patients.

PN_Bhutan After months of preparation and hard work, AsiaCMS conducted its first ever leadership development training in Bhutan last October. By the grace of God, it was a breakthrough achievement for participating pastors and other leaders, who are facing tremendous challenges in the staunch Buddhist nation.

PN_Samaritan We are thankful to the Lord for His provision and protection during a challenging year in 2015 in Pakistan. During the year, we conducted five Samaritan Strategy training sessions, two translation review meetings and three follow-up meetings involving six different facilitators who were trained in 2014.