News & Updates

As we pour out in service of God, we need to be replenished. I count myself blessed for having completed the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Module 1 course in April. The three-month training in counselling has increased my capacity as a pastoral caregiver to the sick and suffering at the Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMCH).

I would like to thank and praise God for his grace and his hand in all that we do. I am particularly glad for the opportunity to be a part of NPEVAC (National Partnership to End Violence Against Children in Sri Lanka).

The need to train and equip pastors and church leaders is growing in tandem with the rapid church growth in Nepal, particularly in villages and other places outside the cities. But grassroots pastors and leaders in Nepal usually lack theological education and formal academic training, putting them at a disadvantage to enrol in seminaries or bible schools. The Lord gave me the burden to reach those leaders in their local places.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Mahmoud (not his real name) checked into a drug rehabilitation centre in Pakistan not knowing who "the Son" is, let alone John 8:36. But 14 months later, he walked out of the centre truly a free man – with Jesus in his heart and a fresh start in life.

God is good. Apart from my regular activities, I had the privilege of conducting the “Building a Foundation for Faith” programme in several provinces for about 100 people in the second quarter. The extension programme of the Shalom School of Ministries, which was taken to Preyveng, Battambang, Kompong Chhnang, Kompong Speu, Kompong Thom, Takeo and Ratanakkiri, benefited the participants immensely by enhancing their knowledge and understanding of the Bible.