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IndonCare_Inside RP has been serving the Lord since her teenage years. But it was only at Redcliffe College, the United Kingdom, in 2005 that she received a vision from God on where her true calling lies. RP saw Jeremiah 29:7 in a new light: “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” 


Programme Director for Asia Gateway

Part-Time or Full-Time Position

Asia Gateway is an intensive programme laying down a firm foundation in intercultural learning for mission, combining practical experience with theological reflection. It is uniquely endorsed and sponsored by 2 Malaysian churches (Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia and Methodist Church of Malaysia), Malaysia Theological Seminary (STM), and 5 mission agencies: AsiaCMS, InterServe, OM, OMF, and SIM East Asia.

Passion_Milan_Inside As Milan Magar was reading about the Magar people on the Internet, he was burdened with a deep desire to reach out and help them. “My people are in darkness and living a miserable life without the Living God. It has encouraged me with a passion to reach them with the Gospel," he said.

Africa Consultation_Inside “Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt.” – Exodus 23:9 Being in a foreign land with an alien culture thousands of miles from home can be an intimidating experience. Throw in some unwelcoming locals, or worse still, unjust officials, and the adopted world of the immigrants will be turned topsy-turvy. This is the world of the estimated one million Chinese nationals living in Africa.