News & Updates

Name: Ram Prasad and Kesari Shrestha Sending Organizations:  National Missions Commission of Nepal (NMCN) along with AsiaCMS Family:  Amulya (Son) and Ashama (Daughter) Location: Kathmandu,...

Name : Rev. Lendehl Rey Sallidao Sending Organizations : The Episcopal Diocese of Central Philippines ( EDCP)  / AsiaCMS Family :  Faith Maymaya (...

Name : Mr H. Lalthatluanga ( Lalthaa )  and Mrs P. Lalnghakhleli ( Manghaki ) Sending Organizations : Synod Mission Board – Presbyterian...

Name : Issac and Dolly Jeyakumar Sending Organizations : TAFTEE    / AsiaCMS Family:  Gifty ( Daughter ) Location : New Delhi  (India  ) CoMP Since:  2010...