India Tag

  Ever wondered what a strategic discipleship ministry among the grassroots of western-central and northern India entails? If so, the ministry of Rev. Shirish together with TAFTEE is probably a good place to start. Amongst the many ministry endeavours of The Association For Theological Education by Extension, Rev. Shirish and the team have been embarking on a most commendable effort: to equip and disciple village church pastors, evangelists, and missionaries for church planting and growth.

Pastoral.CMS_Inside_300x217 Rev. Jim Paul is a chaplain at Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMC) in Tamil Nadu, India. His ministry of pastoral care to terminally ill patients also extends to that of their family members who suffer with them:

Bible Study_Inside It was exciting to see the thirst of many to study the Bible in depth and be equipped to share the gospel in different parts of Maharashtra and north India. In July, we were actively involved with Kolhapur Church Council, primarily focusing on equipping village church pastors, evangelists and missionaries for church planting and growth. We enrolled 50 leaders in this region through TAFTEE certificate level based on the life of Jesus Christ - a course on Christian discipleship and ministry.

Reconciliation_Inside By Rabbi and Chitra Jayakaran After over a year of background work, Peacemakers’ project for women prisoners, their children and families has begun. These are some of the most neglected people, and we desire for them to experience hope and transformation in their lives.